Incy Wincy Educational approach: Holistic

At our institution, learners are grouped according to age.

Activities presented for the groups are assessed in relation to universal milestones for each aspect of a learner’s holistic development.

What is a Holistic Approach?

A holistic approach (Whole Child Approach) to child development and well-being considers the whole child and all of the dimensions that interact together as a child grows up.  Rather than focussing on only a child’s physical or mental development, a holistic approach recognizes that children are made up of interconnected parts: mental, physical, socio-emotional and spiritual. Changes in any one part have an impact on all of the others. The first five years of life are critical to a child’s lifelong development. Early experiences influence brain development – establishing the neural connections that provide the foundation for language, reasoning, problem solving, social skills, behaviour and emotional health.

Incy Wincy learners develop in six major categories:

  1. Physical Development: It is the progress of a child’s control over his own body. This includes control over muscles, physical coordination, and ability to sit or stand. Children need nutritional support as well as hygiene training to ensure healthy development.
  2. Emotional Development: It is the process by which infants and children begin developing the capacity to experience, expression, and interpret emotions.
  3. Social Development: It is defined as the process in which a child learns to interact with others around them. It mostly refers to how a child makes friendships and other relationships including how the child handles quarrel with his/her peers.
  4. Intellectual Development: How a person perceives, thinks, and gains understanding of his or her world through the interaction of genetic and learned factors
  5. Language Development: The process by which children come to understand and communicate language during early childhood.
  6. Spiritual Development: The process by which children come to understand the existence of God, including the distinction between right (good) and wrong (bad).

Teacher’s role

In holistic education, the teacher is seen less as person of authority who leads and controls but rather is seen as “a friend, a mentor, a facilitator, or an experienced traveling companion” (Forbes, 1996).

The value of a holistic approach

Using a holistic approach helps to ensure that when we seek to understand and address children’s issues, we pay attention to all of the parts of the child, in transaction with each other and within their environment.


In conclusion, the best child development imaginable happens when children grow in the context of a loving, healthy and empowered family at school and at home. And we strive to put this into practice at our college.

I hope the information has given insight into our Holistic world.


Your partner in education…

Principal Zahida